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FEMA Information

FEMA representatives met at our local Emergency Management office to discuss FEMA’s programs for direct housing. They introduced the program and provided detailed information about their offerings. You may notice an influx of traffic around our Foley airport, as it will serve as a staging area for Taylor County residents and others from around the state. Additionally, there may be increased traffic congestion around the Forest Capital Hall entrance and BBTC on Highway 19 as these trailers are delivered.

FEMA provides direct temporary housing through Transportable Temporary Housing Units (e.g., travel trailers and manufactured homes), short-term or vacation rentals, apartments, or duplexes to eligible survivors. FEMA also provides Displacement Assistance, Rental Assistance, Transitional Sheltering Assistance, and Home Repair/Replacement. 

You might be wondering how to apply for direct housing. FEMA has specific criteria for selecting applicants based on the information you provided. If you haven’t met with FEMA yet, please visit our local Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) at Keaton Beach ASAP, where they can give you the most assistance. Your local Emergency Management and County authorities have NO decision-making authority regarding accepted applicants. Please refer to the slides for any questions and visit our local DRC for further information.

Attached are links for homeowners to subscribe for updates; select “Residential Mitigation Communications” when subscribing: https://www.floridadisaster.org/subscription-topics/.

This is the link for our Residential Mitigation website: https://www.floridadisaster.org/dem/mitigation/residential-mitigation/.

If homeowners (or anyone else) have questions regarding Elevate Florida or residential mitigation, please email: residentialmitigation@em.myflorida.com